Friday, August 1, 2008


LA Opera

This summer I was in Anaheim, CA, and I was able to catch L.A. Opera's final performance of La Rondine. I thought Patricia Racette did a good job, although I do not find her voice as beautiful as other sopranos, but it was an okay performance. She managed some nice soft singing during the famous Chi il bel sogno di Doretta, but I think others sings it much better. I am interested in going to the HD transmission of Gheorghiu's Magda this coming season at the Met. L.A. Opera's Rondine included the tragic ending and had Magda walk into the ocean at the end. It was different, but I like Puccini's first thoughts where Magda returns to her life being kept by a wealthy man. Her maid returns to her original life. So I think it makes a nice parallel strategy to have the maid return to the life of a servant while Magda returns to her life as a courtesan. 

Opera blog

I am learning how to blog and decided to start an opera blog, since I love opera. This is a test.